Twitch Segment Id for Schedule not same as link to segment

Hi there,

The link for a broadcast segment is not the same as the value returned by the Schedule | Twitch Developers.

After I create the segment, an ID is returned by the response. This ID is not the same as the segmentID of the actual segment in the calendar, when I get the share link. When I press the share link this is the URL -<channel_name>/schedule?segmentID=ID

The segmentID is not the same as the ID returned from the create segment in the api.

How do I get the segmentID of the share link for the schedule?

Heres an example. The Copy Link button points to a different ID.

Another question I have is there a way in the API to request to have the user “Remind Me” when the streamer goes live for this segment?

Chat GPT answered it -
The response from API is in base64, when decoded, contains the following information:

“segmentID”: “3c64db5e-ea3b-4198-90b6-xxxxxxxxf”,


The API jsut goes “heres the schedule” or allows you to update/create the schedule.

Youcan’t do a remind me function via the API.

This isn’t documented/supported.

The ID is opaque so could change/break what you expect it to do at anypoint and thus this shouldn’t be relied upon.

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