Update Regarding Twitch Video Embed Autoplay Functionality

Twitch Developers,

We announced at TwitchCon that we intend to disable the autoplay feature in implementations of our embed where the embeddable content is not a substantive or meaningful component of the page. You can read that announcement here.

We want you to know that Twitch will publish an update to its Developer Services Agreement regarding the autoplay functionality for the Twitch embedded video player on November 1, 2023. Developers will have a 15-day grace period to correct implementations before Twitch will take measures to disable autoplay for those domains out of compliance. To understand if your domain is impacted, you can open your browser’s Developer Tools by following the instructions for your browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari. If your domain is impacted, a warning message in the Console tab will be displayed indicating Autoplay for the Twitch embedded player will be disabled for this domain on November 15, 2023.

If your domain is displaying the warning described above, you can take the following actions to comply with the updated policy:

  • Disable autoplay for embedded players or remove embedded players that are not a substantive or meaningful component of the page.
  • Modify your website so the embedded player is a substantive or meaningful component of the page.

If domains displaying the warning described above do not change their usage of the embedded video player to comply with the updated autoplay policy by November 15, 2023, autoplay will be disabled for that domain (i.e. the website’s domain and all subdomains).

After November 15, if autoplay has been blocked for your domain by Twitch and you have taken acceptable corrective action to comply with the updated autoplay policy, notify us by emailing developers@twitch.tv.

If you have any questions, please email developers@twitch.tv.