Waiting for Organization Review - Any Updates?

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to check in about an issue I’ve been having. I applied to my organization around two months ago, and I’ve been patiently waiting for a review. However, I noticed a message on the site that says, “We have resumed reviews for Extensions and game ownership. Reviews for organizations and chatbot verification continue to be temporarily paused while we revise our processes.”

I get that things are on hold while processes are being revised, and I appreciate the efforts to make everything run smoothly. But I’m a bit in the dark about when the reviews will pick back up.

Our game has already had two live streams, and we’re eager to start using the Drop. It’s a bit of a bummer to have everything ready to go, but not be able to fully utilize the platform because of the review delay.

Does anyone have any insights on when we can expect the reviews for organizations to resume? Or is there any way to speed up our application given our circumstances?

Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated.

see Restoring organization reviews, and decommissioning the game developer chat badge

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