When is Twitch resuming its extensions review processes?

Hello, everybody.

I just finished my first extension version and got this message when I was going to send it to review:
“Reviews for Extensions, organizations, games, and chatbot verification are temporarily paused while we revise our processes. We are working to resume reviews as quickly as possible and will share updates with you shortly. Thank you for your patience and understanding.”

So my question is the title of this topic: When is Twitch resuming the review process of extensions?

Aprecciate everyone that takes a minute to answer me.


They have already started to work through the backlog since about a week or two ago. There’s no way to know where you are in the queue or how long it will take for them to get to you though.

Prior to the pause reviews took between 2 and 12 working days as standard, and we don’t currently know if Twitch plans to return to that review time once they get through the backlog or if it’ll be different due to different internal processes/staff for reviewing Extensions.

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