Here is the response from the server to the request for information about clips.
example_data = {
'data': [{
'id': '-',
'url': '-',
'embed_url': '-',
'broadcaster_id': '-',
'broadcaster_name': '-',
'creator_id': '-',
'creator_name': '-',
'video_id': '',
'game_id': '500188',
'language': '-',
'title': '-',
'view_count': -,
'created_at': '-',
'thumbnail_url': '-',
'duration': -,
'vod_offset': None,
'is_featured': False}],
'pagination': {}}
It’s weird that no game title information is returned, considering it costs next to nothing.
As a result, I have to put extra load on the server by sending requests with game IDs to get the game names. I understand that the result with the names is saved and used later, but still it’s either quite strange, or there are some limitations, or I don’t understand something.