Why the API does not return the name of the game, but only its ID?

Here is the response from the server to the request for information about clips.

example_data = {
	'data': [{
	'id': '-', 
		'url': '-', 
		'embed_url': '-',
		'broadcaster_id': '-', 
		'broadcaster_name': '-', 
		'creator_id': '-', 
		'creator_name': '-', 
		'video_id': '', 
		'game_id': '500188', 
		'language': '-', 
		'title': '-', 
		'view_count': -, 
		'created_at': '-', 
		'thumbnail_url': '-', 
		'duration': -, 
		'vod_offset': None, 
		'is_featured': False}], 
	'pagination': {}}

It’s weird that no game title information is returned, considering it costs next to nothing.
As a result, I have to put extra load on the server by sending requests with game IDs to get the game names. I understand that the result with the names is saved and used later, but still it’s either quite strange, or there are some limitations, or I don’t understand something.

If you have a specific need for a field to be added I’d recommend requesting it on UserVoice https://twitch.uservoice.com/forums/310213-developers/ and include your use case. A lot of what data an endpoint provides is based on what developers have use cases for.

It could simply be that Game Name was redundant due to the ID being there, and many developers that need to know game name would often have a cache so there’d have been no need to have the name included for them, and maybe no, or too few, other developers requested it to justify it being present instead of bloating the API like what ended up happening with Kraken.

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