I want to build an extention using the Developper Rig since it’s supposed to be easier.
The problem is that I can’t create a blank projet within the app neither can Ioad an existing and versionned blank extension previously created on the twitch web portal.
I keep getting the same error that the name is already taken. (I got frustrated and even put some UUIDs)
That explain a lot of things ! Fault on the outdated tutorials I found.
It’s confusing now to find accurate documentation for a typical workflow or requirement for dev.
I’ll search from the post you linked and your github I guess. Thank’s you !
An extension is just a website.
The website lives in an iFrame on a Twitch page.
You need to only include a single external JS file and invoke a single callback.
Then from there an extension is literally just a website.
So the development workflow? The same as a “regular” website really