I’m having some issues finishing the extensions developer onboarding. I’m a Twitch affiliate so I followed the steps in the documentation. They are as follows:
In the Extensions box, click the GET STARTED button.
You will receive an email enrollment confirmation very soon (within a minute).
After the email arrives, reload the dashboard. The GET STARTED button is replaced with VIEW EXTENSIONS . You can start developing now!
Step 3 is where I’m having my problem. I click the **get started ** button under extensions but it redirects me to the twitch developers documentation instead of sending an enrollment confirmation. I cannot access the updated view extensions because of this. Any help would be great. Note: Probably user error here but I can’t seem to figure it out.
Have you met all the requirements to become a Twitch affiliate? If so, follow the instructions in the Affiliate/Partner section of your Twitch Dashboard. If you aren’t eligible for the affiliate program, well, that’s why you never saw anything about affiliate onboarding.
Yesterday, an issue was identified in upstream service. The issue is preventing people from starting extension developer on-boarding. Our team is working on resolving the issue. @imGonzo, this looks like the issue that you have encountered.
I am currently having the same issue. I completed Path to Affiliate on the 24th of Sept. Immediately was able to and did complete Extensions Developer on-boarding, but never received the invite for Affiliate on-boarding. I have sent in help tickets twice and only received the Auto Reply. Also Tweeted to @TwitchSupport (https://twitter.com/TwitchSupport) with no response.
I’m having a similar issue. Is there any way to cancel Extension Developer Onboarding? I completed Path to Affiliate and can’t proceed without finishing Extensions Developer process first. I’m no longer working on an extension so there is no point to complete that anymore. I was working on a bot but as far as I know Extension Developer Onboarding is not necessary in that case.
I’ve contacted Twitch help with this issue three days ago but no reply yet.
I’m having a similar issue. I received my Extensions Development Onboarding invite once I became eligible for the affiliate program (on the 11th of last month). I completed that onboarding within a few days, and have been waiting for my invite to the Affiliate Program’s Onboarding process ever since.
My extensions onboarding is definitely completed, and I have checked everywhere in my email (including spam), the main twitch site, and the twitch extensions developer site for anything I may have missed.
I have no idea what to do from here.
Same issue here… I recently obtained my Affiliate achievement and trying the Get Started link takes me to complete the Extensions Developer Onboarding (which has been completed and upon checking/validating all 4 steps show complete).
I’ve reached out to support on 10/14 and received a general message and then replied later that night explaining I need further assistance. As of today (10/17) I still haven’t received a new status as to this issue from support.
I’ve found this thread from researching the following pages;
I am having the same issue where i reached my affiliate path achievement and it made me do the onboarding extension where it asked me for my tax info and payment methods. Its been a couple of days and nothing is happening didnt get the invite yet to start affiliate. I emailed support but havent got a response yet. My twitch username is metalgearnemesis
Does anyone know if there’s a typical wait time to receive a response from twitch email support? Still haven’t heard back from the initial canned reply after a few attempts/replies back in from me detailing the issue and links to this thread.
Anxious to get my affiliate started and hoping to hear back but a little disheartened it’s taken this long without even a “we’re looking into it” response.
Yea its been a week for me now and no responses here , email support , and their twitter. I am anxious to start too, and my viewers are wondering when it will happen so they can sub. Just wish someone could email or answer my tweet that they see the problem and will be fixing it in the future doesnt have to be right this second. But I guess I will wait more because thats all I can do since they wont say anything.
For anyone else wondering (or in the same boat)… I received a response this morning from support asking me to validate my account information to prove I’m the owner. It seems like the start of the process but it did take 10+ days for me to receive this reply from my initial request.
I’m sure others just like me are anxious after reaching their goal but sadly it does seem like once you submit the issue it is a wait game until they get to your request (which is heard).
Latest update… after confirming I was the owner of the account I did receive another response today (6 days from my latest reply) stating;
I can see that you are eligible for the Affiliate program, however there is a known issue that is preventing you from being able to complete your Affiliate onboarding at this time. This is a known bug we are working to resolve.
We greatly appreciate your patience as we investigate this issue.
We’re getting near the holiday season and I know my streaming will take a hit these next couple of months. Which just leaves the concern of when the bug is fixed if anyone who originally made the achievement is currently a little short… are we still able to complete the onboarding via grandfathered in or need to achieve the goal again?
To settle anyone else’s worries I recieved another response (very promptly) stating;
Once you reach the criteria and are eligible even if you do not maintain those stats afterwards you should not lose your invitation. We will do our best to do right by you and get you the invite to the program you worked towards once we resolve this issue.
So it looks like they are planning to keep invitations for anyone that made the achievement regardless of stats when it’s fixed.
UPDATED 2018-11-16
I also recently had my Affiliate onboarding issue fixed due to the Developer onboarding glitch. I reached out for an update and the same day I received my invite via Twitch Notifications and a reply from support saying it should be resolved.
I’m unsure if it was just pushed through for anyone asking or if they globally fixed the issue for anyone experiencing this issue and I just happened to get a response from support.
I believe the “Extension Onboarding but not Affiliate onboarding” bug is now fixed. Good news is when I went to do the Affiliate onboarding it was already completed since it used my Extension onboarding info (all the same info). Kudos, really, to the Twitch support team keeping a ticket open for as long as they did (54 days, I didn’t bug them about it much).
Just wanted to give a heads up to others who are searching for this topic.
My Affiliate on boarding says that I entered in two different addresses and that they where different on both step one and step three but no matter how many times I try it wont work.