Hello, I’m working on an app that reads redeem messages. However, the CustomRewardEvent.UserInput parameter is always empty.
In this older topic, the “solution” is saying it’s a known issue. That’s obviously not a solution, though! Are there any workarounds? Is this being worked on?
I’m working on a unity app that takes the channel point redeems and adds them onto a wheel and what not.
However, everytime it sends a reward, it send the username and what reward it was but not the message information for some reason? Like, it’s always empty.
The “If(message == “”)” code is my temporary manual download of the message that sometimes messes up.
Here is my code:
[original code]
To confirm you are referring to the Game Engine Plugin for the Unity SDK?
If so thats a known issue awaiting a fix in the Game Engine Plugin itself
Yes exactly, sorry I didn’t mention that.
Is there any way to track the status of the issue so I can update the SDK when it’s fixed?
Probably on github - Issues · twitchdev/issues · GitHub
Ironically looks like it’s not there as an issue but it is a known issue (was discussed in the developer discord)
Thanks! I hope it’s tackled soon! If it’s not in the github I fear it’s not a priority issue.
Thank you for the quick responses!
December 15, 2024, 8:36am
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