Redeem message not going through

Hello, I’m working on an app that reads redeem messages. However, the CustomRewardEvent.UserInput parameter is always empty.

In this older topic, the “solution” is saying it’s a known issue. That’s obviously not a solution, though! Are there any workarounds? Is this being worked on?


To confirm you are referring to the Game Engine Plugin for the Unity SDK?

If so thats a known issue awaiting a fix in the Game Engine Plugin itself

Yes exactly, sorry I didn’t mention that.

Is there any way to track the status of the issue so I can update the SDK when it’s fixed?

Probably on github - Issues · twitchdev/issues · GitHub

Ironically looks like it’s not there as an issue but it is a known issue (was discussed in the developer discord)

Thanks! I hope it’s tackled soon! If it’s not in the github I fear it’s not a priority issue.

Thank you for the quick responses!