Why no chat with embedded vods?

Hello, I’m wondering why there are no chat together with embedded vods? Is it deliberate not included or is it technical stuff?

Hello! Thanks for reaching out. If I’m understanding correctly, you’d like to embed chat ? https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/embed/chat

Hello, If I understand that right it only works for Live streams but I am wondering about chat replay for/together with a vod/past broadcast.

You are correct that including chat and video in one embed is only available on live streams via the “Embedding Everything” option: https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/embed/everything

Unfortunately though, I do not have further context to say why this is not available for VODs or if it a product to be considered. I would suggest adding this to UserVoice for our product feedback: https://twitch.uservoice.com/

Okay, Thanks for the help!

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If its a VOD vs live channel, the docs say chat playback is not available on VODs.

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