How to get live stream from rtmp:// server without using twitch API?

Maybe some body know how to get live stream from rtmp:// server without using twitch API?
For ex. you can see all servers by open following url

and there are a lot of rtmp:// servers. How to get stream from them?


{“node”: “video10-2.arn01”, “needed_info”: “”,“play”: “jtv_FO2coLXGNLzCXtvR”,“meta_game”: “Diablo III: Reaper of Souls”, “video_height”: 720, “bitrate”: 2915.1875, “broadcast_part”: 5, “rank”: 0, “persistent”: “true”, “cluster”: “arn01”, “token”: “76b3d8aae0e6eee2bcda8d1acc34103f1a73b595:{“swfDomains”: [“”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”], “streamName”: “jtv_FO2coLXGNLzCXtvR”, “expiration”: 1385121067, “server”: “video10-2.arn01”}”, “connect”: “rtmp://”, “broadcast_id”: 7587457488, “type”: “live”, “display”: “Source”, “find_type”: “dist”},
{“node”: “video12-1.fra01”, “needed_info”: “”, “play”: “jtv_LuAij7o0_zozQ4jY”, “meta_game”: “Diablo III: Reaper of Souls”, “video_height”: 720, “bitrate”: 1600, “broadcast_part”: 1, “rank”: 1, “persistent”: “true”, “cluster”: “fra01”, “token”: “b4db7f59d3b4d723624ee50ed2d69519d1a4cebb:{“swfDomains”: [“”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”], “streamName”: “jtv_LuAij7o0_zozQ4jY”, “expiration”: 1385121067, “server”: “video12-1.fra01”}”, “connect”: “rtmp://”, “broadcast_id”: 7587458496, “type”: “high”, “display”: “High”, “find_type”: “dist”},
{“node”: “video15-2.arn01”, “needed_info”: “”, “play”: “jtv_e38UUDs1WLMP9wlc”, “meta_game”: “Diablo III: Reaper of Souls”, “video_height”: 360, “bitrate”: 350, “broadcast_part”: 1, “rank”: 3, “persistent”: “true”, “cluster”: “arn01”, “token”: “c416673c070354e1a33edcdb535a195463cd9702:{“swfDomains”: [“”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”], “streamName”: “jtv_e38UUDs1WLMP9wlc”, “expiration”: 1385121067, “server”: “video15-2.arn01”}”, “connect”: “rtmp://”, “broadcast_id”: 7587458512, “type”: “low”, “display”: “Low”, “find_type”: “dist”},
{“node”: “video12-1.fra01”, “needed_info”: “”, “play”: “jtv_bRMbL_ROsoHAegM2”, “meta_game”: “Diablo III: Reaper of Souls”, “video_height”: 480, “bitrate”: 800, “broadcast_part”: 1, “rank”: 2, “persistent”: “true”, “cluster”: “fra01”, “token”: “bed50de10852dd0f7a24d687f43a10463557b5a3:{“swfDomains”: [“”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”], “streamName”: “jtv_bRMbL_ROsoHAegM2”, “expiration”: 1385121067, “server”: “video12-1.fra01”}”, “connect”: “rtmp://”, “broadcast_id”: 7587458528, “type”: “medium”, “display”: “Medium”, “find_type”: “dist”}]

The only supported method of viewing streams is through the official Flash or HLS players.

not true
official android app of twitch is using it by anothet way
and this way is very fast and without using swf player, because there is no controls of player…but how I don’t know

The official Android app uses HLS. However, there are no publicly supported methods for accessing the feeds directly since that would bypass critical systems such as ads. Currently you can use:

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video doesn’t play after using HLS
on Chrome:

on Android

what is wrong?

What Android version? Currently the Android Chrome browser does not support HLS. On the desktop the only browser that is supported is Safari on Mac.

file *.m3u8 is not supported?

That would appear to be the case.

after adding video to WebView …only 2 sec of video plays and then it stops…

is there any link to video with *.3gp , *.mp4 or *.m3u8?