Tutorial pages not loading (beginner)

Going through the beginner tutorial on the twitch extension dev page to try and learn a bit about creating extensions.

The main issue is that nothing renders, if I go to the ip address hosting the http server I can see the file structure and everything and can see the config.html working but on the extension in twitch I get nothing.

I looked at the inspector and it just shows a greyed out iframe for where my panel is supposed to render.

I think I’ve set everything up correctly in asset hosting so not sure what the issue is.

If someone has any suggestions or a link to a tutorial video where I can follow along and things are explained I would appreciate it.

Extension are just websites
Where the Frontend is “static” (no direct SSR) where you need to include and invoke the Twitch JS helper.
With a number of content restrcitions (no external JS).

The restrcitions don’t apply in local test.

So if you can build a website you can build an extension.

They are debugged the same way.
So if your content is not loading, debug that just like a normal website.